Thursday 10 April 2008


Even though the lecture on this subject was some weeks ago, it has been brought to mind again, having recently handed in the first assignment for this module. I chose to write the essay on whether adultery fulfills needs that marriage cannot.

It occured to me that Church/religious marriage ceremonies often include parts in which the bride and groom promise that they will keep themselves for their spouse, forsaking all others. Having twice been married in registry office, i.e. civil, ceremonies, I don't remember anything of that kind being included. (Although it could be include if the couple so wished, along with any other personal vows they might want to include).

The following are links to pages which show the wording used in the two different types of marriage ceremony:-

This caused me to wonder whether someone married in a civil ceremony might use this as an excuse for having an extra-marital affair. Would they be able to claim that they were not doing anything wrong, as they had not actually broken any marriage vows? I suppose it would depend on the actual relationship and the couples expectations of eachother.

Although marriage in our Western culture is generally expected to be monogamous, it would seem from looking into the subject that there is a lot of adultery about. It surprised me to learn, from reading the lecture handouts, that there are many actual websites dedicated to helping people have affairs without being found out. I suppose its the next step after online dating!!

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