Tuesday 15 April 2008


Hi there Linda

Sorry to hear of your bad experience of infidelity at the hands of your ex. I've not been in that position but can imagine it was pretty rough.

I did, however, find myself in the position of adulterer about 20 years ago. I was 22 and had been married for 2 years. Although happily at first, my husband began to treat me differently, as if he thought he no longer needed to bother now I was 'his'. He stopped treating me with respect and spoke to me as though I were a naughty child. I was expected to stay home and cook, clean etc, while he went out trainspotting:-/Even our bedroom activities had ceased to be, because he 'couldn't be bothered!'. So when a nice man began to pay me some attention I naturally fell for his charms.

To cut to the chase, (pun intended LOL), I had an affair with him, eventually left my husband, and my 'bit on the side' is now my husband. We have been together for 18 years and have 2 teenage sons! Because I never had children with the first one it wasn't a complicated breakup, but I have divorced friends who still have wrangles over the children, so realise how difficult it can be.

However, my experience has taught me that sometimes and affair is the right thing if it results in a better life with someone who doesn't want to 'keep me down'. It certainly did for me!!

15 April 2008 12:46

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