Tuesday 15 April 2008


I was thinking back to the lecture where we talked about shoplifting, and it prompted a couple of relevant memories to spring to mind. As far as I can remember I have had two experiences involving this activity in my lifetime.

The first was when I was about 15 and was coerced, under heavy peer pressure/mild bullying, and against my better judgment (I was a bit of a 'Goody-Goody' back then!). The item taken was a pot of cheap hair gel, which was for the ringleader who had pressured me. While I was carrying out the theft all I could think was "Oh my god, if I get caught I'm in for it, especially at home!". I was absolutely terrified as I knew what a temper my Dad had. As soon as I had left the shop and handed over the gel I ran home and shut myself in my room, shaking. After that I made a point of trying not to be in the company of that particular group of girls again. I swore to myself I would never let anyone pressure me like that again.

The second occasion was a few years ago and was actually completely accidental. Having filled my trolley in Asda with a weeks worth of family groceries, I went through the checkout as normal. However, when I came to load the shopping into my car I discovered that I had left a tray of beer (for my husband) in the rack under the trolley, so it had not been paid for. I thought for a moment what I should do - take it back in and pay or load up and go! It began raining, my back was aching and I had a headache, and it was getting close to 'school run' time. I decided to load up and go, figuring that if the Asda staff didn't notice the mistake then why should I bother to point it out? It seems I wasn't such a 'Goody-Goody' any more, although I wouldn't shoplift intentionally.

Does this make me as bad as someone who deliberately steals from shops? Or just a little blip on an otherwise honest character? From some of the views expressed in the lecture it would seem that this is a matter of opinion. I cerainly won't lie awake at night worrying about it though!

The following is a link to a very interesting article on research into the reasons why people shoplift. It also tells of some ingenious methods people use, including dressing as a Nun!!

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