Wednesday 26 March 2008


It was interesting to see this film for the first time in 2008, while remembering the furore it generated on its release in 1995. On viewing, it actually seemed quite tame to me. But then thirteen years is a long time in the arts, and what was shocking then may not seem so today! I suppose the most shocking scene for me was when the group of young men beat up a lone guy in the park, prompted by a minor skateboarding clash. But I guess that's just the pacifist in me - I hate violence and am the first to run in the opposite direction at any sign of a fight!!

The other 'bad' elements of the films storyline - unprotected sex, promiscuity, alcohol, drugs, shoplifting etc... - didn't really shock me. These things happen all the time and I think the film was attempting to reflect real life in some way - the lives of certain groups of young people.

I found the leading male character, Telly, vaguely annoying due to the whiny nasal voice of the actor playing him. In fact, if I were one of his young conquests I'm sure I would have preferred his friend Casper. He was certainly better looking and more stylish!

I had a certain empathy for Jennie (pictured), one of Telly's innocent 'victims'. Although there were others, her plight was a continuing thread throughout the film. Some reviewers have said the film has no plot, but Jennie's situation and Telly's continued perpetration of his 'hobby' are a clear and definite storyline, in my opinion.

I think this film should be shown to young people as part of their sex education. It could serve as a warning to them to make sure they practise safe sex, in order to avoid finding themselves in a similar situation. As a parent I would certainly not object to my 14 and 15 year old sons seeing this film, especially if it resulted in them being more 'careful' with their sexual health!!

There are numerous reviews of the film available, here are just a select few:-

1 comment:

Rachel Simmonds said...

I totally agree with Lida.I think this film should be shown to teenagers to warn them off the dangers of un-safe sex.I know if I'd have seen it it would have put me off for life!!