Thursday 8 May 2008

****THE LAST POST*** (Module summary questionnaire)

I am female, 41 (in body but not mind!!) and am studying for a joint degree in philosophy and sociology.
'Being Bad' relates in some ways to a couple of sociology modules which look at crime in society, and also to the philosophy module using critical reason (the morals/ethics part in particular).
I have found the module, for the most part to be of an appropriate level. The list of topics was appropriate but I would like to have seen more about such things as bullying and alcohol related bad behaviour, as these are so prevalent in society that it seems remiss not to look at them in more detail.
The classes worked fairly well, apart from the issue of people talking in lectures, which did carry on even after warnings were issued. I guess some people just don't care about the impact they have on others! I found the module team generally engaging and helpful, and in the main delivered very interesting and informative lectures. I think more small group discussions could help to encourage the more shy students to have an input.
I found the interdisciplinary approach interesting and although at first I balked at having to produce a creative writing piece, (something I haven't done for many years, unless you count songwriting), I am pleased with what I finally produced and am glad I was encouraged by the module to explore this aspect of written work.
I have not yet registered my modules for level two, but it is highly likely that I will be taking 'It Shouldn't Be Allowed', timetable permitting. I would recommend 'Being Bad' to a friend.
I have found the weblogs a bit of a struggle, being as I am a mature student to whom the concept of airing one's views to the world in general through cyber space is a bit of a scary one! Also, I find that 'screen staring' for any length of time can be uncomfortable for me with my ageing eyesight. However, I realise that this is the way of the world these days, and am doing my best to get to grips with it more!
I found myself, once I had started to write my short story, wishing for a longer word count, as I had to do some serious cutting. Despite my initial reservations about the format, once I got started it began to pour out of me and I could have gone on for pages and pages. I suppose that's how many writers work - perhaps I'm studying the wrong subject? :- I have certainly learned many things from this module, not least that I have creative abilities which I though had left me over twenty years ago. I have also learned that people have many and varied ideas about what counts as bad behaviour, whether or not they impact on the lives of others.
I found the first few weblog help sessions very useful as I feel I would have been 'flapping about in the dark'. Similarly, the creative writing workshop helped me to develop this skill in order to write my second assignment. I can't think of any parts which I consider a waste of time, it has all been very much a valuable learning process for me!!

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